There's no such word as "consused"; at least it isn't in any dictionary I own and I own good ones.
"there" should be THEIR.
It is VERY "reasonable" to claim ignorance and is what Hillary should have done originally and would do, if this ever went to trial.
I haven't changed the subject, but you have. You never mentioned "drug mules" to me, in any previous post.
Getting upset, are you? Finally realizing that you've dug that hole so deep, that you will never be able to climb out of it, have you? LOL
yes, i can tell you are not a lawyer at least not one of any training and experience. Thank you for admitting it.
Spelling errors - this thread as this point doesnt warrant spell interest is substance
"Drug Mules" contrary to your assertion, see post 78 zeven lines from bottom. Youre not paying attention.
apparently if you were on the jury you would acquit hillary clinton for her participation in this fraudulent scheme, its weak minded jurors and prosecutors like that that have allowed these criminals to run amok for so long.