see, that's why I feel like we give 'em way too much credit when we say they staged the whole thing. why would anyone stage a frustrated, delusional, rant, when he's really trying to make everyone like him and reelect him/her?
Becaause he lives in at least two worlds: 1) the world where he can control himself and so he plans things such as this interview on Fox; and 2) the world where his irrationality takes over and he loses whatever pathetic modicum of good judgment he has and he wets himself in public (to say the least). It's what one of those near him called the Saturday night Bill vs. the Sunday morning Bill.
And NO ONE could control him, least of all himself, but he has so much forcefulness that goes with his persona (ask Chris Wallace who said bubba overwhelmed him) that even his handlers can't keep him out of these continual scrapes. That's what hillary was all about, and half of his team: damage control. But he always springs leaks.