What 8 months? Seems I remember the dimrat Clinton out going people wouldn't' turn the keys to many of the offices and buildings from which the government is run and in which is the information - Don't I remember that even Cheney had to set up in another building for some months? (Not to mention the outrageous shenanigans for weeks and weeks of chad counting - that also delayed the incoming party getting information to get prepared...and do you really think the docs Berger stole and destroyed were the only ones? Remember how the computers, even in the White House, had been trashed???
And then, in President Bushes very first few weeks, there was the China/P3 incident - which Pres. Bush handled with perfection. (I wonder if that flight crew might not still be captive in China had Clinton or another rat been in office.)
So "in all fairness", if you have information that says the Clinton gang left pertinent information that the new administration could use - let us know.
I believe they put every stumbling block they could in the way...
Let's not forget Project Maggidio, which was put together by the Clinton Administration in 1999, which claimed that the biggest threat to American national security was WHITE FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANS!!!
Or using the FBI to help his pals in Hollywood protect their copyright assets by going after copyright violators.
Yeah, he was sooooo concerned about National security - NOT!
I cringe by the thought if jimmu "pea-nut" carter had been our President dealing with the chinamen like he did with Tehran!??!