There are obviously a great many things you either aren't aware of, or don't recall.
First, the typical transition period should have begun shortly after the November elections. That did not occur, due to the continuous recounts, etc. There were several news reports that the Clinton White House was refusing to brief the Bush Transition Team on top secret issues, under the guise that the Presidency was still in question; hence, President Bush was not receiving the same security briefs that Vice President Gore received.
The transition period typically takes several months. In this instance, the Bush administration had just a few weeks to patch their government together. Clinton's crew did more damage on the way out, passing a whole host of last day Executive Orders that Bush had to address, tearing up the White House, damaging computers (remember all the White House keyboards had to be replaced because they pried the W key off of them - Michael Dell shipped hundreds of keyboards to the White House to replace them?). Time wasted, wasted, wasted!!!
Then Jim Jeffords jumps ship and the Democrats come up with their "power sharing" plan for the Senate? Or the spy plane that crashed in China? Or the political patty-cake the Dems played as Bush tried to install his permanent staff? How the media repeatedly bashed the President while newspapers were still counting dangling chads after January? The constant crowing by the MSM about how could the President reach across the aisle? The MONTHS that were wasted on this sh*t?
But the worst was Jamie Gorelick, that creature who SHOULD have been brought BEFORE the 9-11 commission instead of sitting on it, and her now infamous "wall of separation" between the CIA and the FBI. Let us not forget some of the horrible changes that took place within the intelligence agency under Clinton and Director Deutch, where the intelligence community was DOWNSIZED. (Presidential Decision Directive PPD/NSC - April 23, 1996). As early as 1994, even the left-leaning Federation of American Scientists had this to say about Clinton's handling of the intelligence community:
"The new Board will consist of representatives of the major national security agencies including CIA, DOD, State, Energy, Justice, and OMB. Evidently, however, the Board will not have any new authority to define policy, and existing bodies will not lose any of their authority. 'Nothing in this directive amends or changes the authorities and responsibilities of the DCI, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Secretary of Energy, Attorney General, Director of the FBI, or Director of ISOO.'
"In lieu of anything that could be called a policy decision, the directive cites four guiding principles identified by the Joint Security Commission in its year-long study (S&GB 33):
our security policies must realistically match the threats we face and must be sufficiently flexible to facilitate change as the threats evolve.
our security policies must be consistent and enable us to allocate scarce resources effectively.
our security standards and procedures must result in the fair and equitable treatment of all Americans upon whom we rely to guard our nation's security.
our security practices and procedures must provide the security we need at a price we can afford.'
Of course, the nation did not need a Presidential directive (or a Joint Security Commission) to determine that security policies should be realistic, fair and cost-effective. What is needed is a mechanism to achieve these common sense goals at a time when there is no official consensus about the nature or magnitude of the threats we face, or about who will set the standard with which security policies will be made consistent."(Secrecy & Government, Issue Bulletin #38, August, 1994)
Hmmmm, so, let's see, incompetent personnel, poor policy decisions, incomplete or unshared information, all left overs from Clinton. Precious months wasted while the Dems hogged up the television, played power games, and picked their *sses. MSM bashing the President while he did he best to run the country and build momentum to get things done, all the while fighting to get his folks installed in KEY, NECESSARY positions for the government to run effectively.
We can fill pages and pages worth of information, but it's all out there, so start digging. But if you can't see the difference between Clinton and Bush with just this as a starting point, no amount of facts are going to help you.
AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!