In good humor, I was referring a car dealership in your area. A hint is that it features a car salesman in blue makeup and is on cable tv.
No need to as I have a good idea of what they do. I refer to all new and used cars as Whizzers. When you are standing at the counter signing the papers, the salesman is whizzing on your leg.
The worse part is that we ourselves are to blame. When we walk into the dealership or a car lot, we have usually already made up our minds that we will buy the new or used 2007 Whizzer.
If you think buying a car is bad you should look into buying a horse some time. Believe me, used car salesmen are kidde-playground amateurs when compared to most horse traders. At a horse sale you may buy a calm gentle horse that anyone can ride. By the time you get the horse home, the calming drugs have worn off and you have a completely different horse than what you bought........