If you hate Wal-Mart, DON'T SHOP THERE! PLEASE! Give the rest of us who do shop there a break. The crowds are getting ridiculous.
My sentiments exactly :)
LOL . . . Please give Wal-Mart some time to restock the shelves, clean the aisles, and hire some help.
The Wal-Mart bashers' job is to make the rest of us feel miserable that we're not spending our money buying $100 napkin sets with your initials stitched in them and platinum toilet paper at downtown boutique stores.
No everyone needs to keep shopping at Walmart so they stay out of the less expensive stores I shop at.
I really don't give a crap if Wal-Mart is lefty. It is convenient and cheap.
And K-Mart sucks (clearly others agree...there are only 10 cars in the K-Mart parking lot all the time compared to 100 in Wal-Mart).