Don't forget, Chris Wallace was one of the ones who thought ABC should pull that show, so I'm sure it's a very sympathetic piece. Hell, I'll bet Clinton called HIM.......when has he ever been on Fox before??
That's what made this snippet so surprising! Chris Wallace is no friend of ours, but out of the blue, WHAM! I'll watch the entire interview Sunday, but it appears clinton was very at ease then came from nowhere, and he wasn't expecting it. A great way to end a great week!
You are 100% correct! Way to go................ :-)
Sorry, I'm late catching up.
The answer, as far as I can remember is NEVER. I'm quite sure that Wallace was "rewarded" this interview because of the stance he took on the "PATH TO 911" Clinton controversy.
I can't stand Chris Wallace, but it seems to me what caused this reaction was Wallace's reference to their emails. It set off the un-loved narcissist who had to lash back against it's "right wing" critics.