Oh gosh, can't remember the antibiotic, but it was a fun one: no sun, no milk or orange juice or the like two hours either side of taking a dose, some codeine based cough syrup... the usuals.
They started me on advair for the allergic bronchitis. It seems to have really helped, but I hope this ends soon, taking that twice a day is nuts.
I would not make a good patient if it require me to do something every day for the rest of my life.
My husband has asthma which only crops up every once in a while. Advair has been a life-saver for him. He was told to whiff it 2x a day but he will not. They swear to him that it's not an "as needed" remedy but he has proven them wrong. He can make one purple disc last for 6 months because he ONLY uses it as needed. It's worked well for him for a couple years now.
Prior to starting it he had mentioned his chest felt tight and like he was suffocating, within a couple of days of starting cell food the feeling was gone and this summer our monsoon season didn't affect him for one minute.
Not sure why they gave you antibiotics if it was from bleach and not a virus, most doctors would probably have thought prednisone (something I'm not a fan of, but would work).. I would use homeopathy, too.