And what kind are the men that will strive for this profitable preeminence, through all the bustle of cabal, the heat of contention, the infinite mutual abuse of parties, tearing to pieces the best of characters? It will not be the wise and moderate, the lovers of peace and good order, the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in their selfish pursuits. These will thrust themselves into your government, and be your rulers. And these, too, will be mistaken in the expected happiness of their situation; for their vanquished competitors, of the same spirit, and from the same motives, will perpetually be endeavoring to distress their administration, thwart their measures, and render them odious to the people. Benjamin Franklin, on high salaries to public officials.
Republicans and Democrats alike do nothing but atack each other on their policies. The only problem is their policies do not coincide with the Constitution. So both Parties are in it for personal gain and do not want to lose there offices. Take the high saleries away from public office and watch how many of them stick around. I promise none that are currently in office would.
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. Alexis de Tocqueville
This is why people keep voting for scoundrels. There are being bought with there own money.
I am not one who subscribes to the "tweedle dum and tweedle dumber" theory of the two party system.There certainly are people in the Republican Party who are in public office and should not be. Those in the Democratic Party who are in office and belong there are mighty thin on the ground.