"Companies are in business to MAKE A PROFIT."
From another post of mine:
Extreme capitalists... These folks aren't Americans first, they're capitalists first and foremost. They cling to the flag when they need Americans to die for their corporate interests.
Now I would ask, are coroporations entities that simply exist? Are there no people in these corporations? If there are people involved, are they Americans? Is there a pledge of allegience to your country? Why is it we don't pledge allegaince to the company? Those who elevate the company to a higher status than the country are very misguided and just as dangerous to America as the Marxist crowd.
Those who support companies support the system of laws making companies possible. Those who support that system of laws support the country.
We don't have a dichotomy here; rather, it's a seamless garment of interconnected structure.
Ford's assets don't just evaporate in a bankruptcy. Rather, they will be assigned to new and more deserving owners and managers. The employees will see to it that their own discomfort is limited in duration and scope ~ however, I'd move out of Greater Detroit.