"Remember that, according to Heisenberg, the path of an object first comes into existence when we observe it. By choosing either the wave or the particle picture, the experimenter disturbs untouched nature." 'Untouched nature' has both past and present temporal location, so the 'disturbing' is catually dividing the variable expressions of dimension time in favor of one or the other (particle=past; wave=present) as a bias of observation. But prior to there being any living observer for phenomena in the universe, the universe acted as observer, so superposition is a temporal phenomenon (past and present undivided) due to the nature of the universe now mixing dimension space and dimension time in the variable expressions of each dimension, to generate continuua of space/time//time/space expression states. The fundamental forces we define have yet to be expressed as favoring a temporal bias or a spatial bias ... and that's what I'm working on in my own feeble way, don'tchaknow.