To: TrebleRebel
Anthrax is not uncommon in many farming/ranching communisties nad is easily treatable.
the media provided the fear mongering for the terrorsits and our federal govt complied with the fear.
6 posted on
09/13/2006 8:16:08 AM PDT by
To: TimesDomain
The anthrax that was used in those attacks wasn't just scooped up off a farm. It was weaponized; specifically engineered to have a far higher lethality than just ordinary anthrax found in nature. This woman is fortunate to be alive.
A large enough quantity of that type of anthrax dispensed in the proper manner can potentially kill thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.
7 posted on
09/13/2006 8:36:41 AM PDT by
(Victorious warriors win first, then go to war; defeated warriors go to war first, then seek to win.)
To: TimesDomain
People were already infected and near death BEFORE it was determined they'd been hit with anthrax.
It's fairly effective as a "sneak attack" weapon.
17 posted on
09/13/2006 10:02:48 AM PDT by
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