So they cut Bergler hanging up the phone. Isn't that special.
I may have just changed my mind and my channel. No need to watch knee-pad editing from Disney cowards.
I loved part one, even if some things were cut. It was powerful, gripping, accurately portrayed Clinton in his dereliction (and worse), and I am sure it connected many dots for people who didn't follow the terrorists' trail the way some of us have. Clinton's administration was shown without the star-struck glaze that Hollywood etc. gave them for so many years.
I believe this is a very good tool for people to actually see the face of the enemy that has seemed so faceless for years. It's difficult for a president to rally a nation to stay at a war when we so seldom see the enemy, and we can't learn about a lot of what enemy plots (dead Americans, smashed buildings, poisoned water supplies, whatever) were foiled. This movie brings things into a sharp and clear focus.