1 posted on
09/09/2006 2:36:09 PM PDT by
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To: hipaatwo
If only.... But we all know that these documents will remain under lock and key, (except of course to Sandy Burglar) until we are all dead and gone. Like the evidence still locked up about the Clinton impeachment that the Senators refused to look at, this stuff will never see the light of day. The Clinton's are protected as if by the KGB. (?)
67 posted on
09/09/2006 4:43:31 PM PDT by
(Bill Clinton, you are a dirt bag!)
To: hipaatwo
The solution is really quite simple, I think. Declassify the documents and testimony of the men and women who risked their lives to collect the intelligence that Clinton and his lieutenants failed to act on. Present this information to the American people and perhaps put some of those officers on TV to answer questions and then let the chips fall where they may. If the critics of the ABC movie are so confident they are right, they would surely welcome this process.What is so hard to understand here? THis is what makes me so angry. ABC & Disney had the chance to do this perfectly, without room to argue crap. And yet..Is doing something half-way helping ANYONE, in the end?
To: hipaatwo
lol. Radioactive. MSM will ignore that challenge, and so will the Democrats.
To: hipaatwo
This poor guy best stay far away from Ft. Marcy Park.
82 posted on
09/09/2006 5:52:15 PM PDT by
(I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.....and My Heart to the Soldier Who Protects It.)
To: hipaatwo
Had the 9/11 Commission not whitewashed events, personal culpability would have been assigned and we as a nation could have moved on to fight al-Qaeda. The Commission turned out to be hack-dominated, however, and ignored the documents that were presented to them, as well as the testimony it received under oath.
Tell me again what party is in the Majority
GOP got rolled by the dems once again
83 posted on
09/09/2006 6:15:48 PM PDT by
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