Now that would be the perfect solution. I think the 5th year of marking 9-11 would be the perfect time to declassify those documents and it might just shut everyone up long enough for us to deliver some major blows on this WOT.
I'll bet this information could have been found in the documents that Sandy Burglar "sloppily" removed from the National Archives by sticking them in his pants and socks.
I suppose Scheur will be a hero to us for knocking Clinton but he is an Arabist of the most disgusting stripe. He blames Israel for most of what goes wrong in the Mid East. This is like gushing over Buchanan when he knocks Clinton.
Declassify the documents and testimony of the men and women who risked their lives to collect the intelligence that Clinton and his lieutenants failed to act on. Present this information to the American people
I just visited
The promo for The Path to 9/11 is still running. The program is still included in the Sunday and Monday schedules.
is a 22-year CIA veteran. He served as the Chief of Alec Station, the Osama bin Laden Unit at the Counterterrorist Center from 1996 to 1999. He then worked again as Special Advisor to the Chief of the bin Laden unit from September 2001 to November 2004. He was also in charge of drafting the original rendition process (Swiss senator Dick Marty's report on US rendition facilities in Europe) under Clinton.[citation needed] He resigned from the CIA in 2004. He is currently a News Analyst for CBS News as well as a Terrorism Analyst for the Jamestown Foundation's online publication Global Terrorism Analysis.[1]
In the 9/11 Commission Report, Scheuer is featured in Chapter 4, where his name is given only as "Mike". He is portrayed as occasionally frustrated with his superiors' failure to aggressively target bin Laden.
I resigned from an Agency I love in order to publicly damn the feckless 9/11 Commission, which failed to find any personal failure or negiligence among Intelligence Community leaders even though dozens of serving officers provided the commisioners with clear documentary evidence of that failure." [4]
"[T]he crux of my argument is simply that America is in a war with militant Islamists that it cannot avoid; one that it cannot talk or appease its way out of; one in which our irreconcilable Islamist foes will have to be killed, an act which unavoidably will lead to innocent deaths; and one that is motivated in large measure by the impact of U.S. foreign policies in the Islamic world, one of which is unqualified U.S. support for Israel." [5] The book also documents a number of areas in which Scheuer believed Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein cooperated. [6]
"In Sudan, Bin Laden decided to acquire and, when possible, use chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons against Islam's enemies. Bin Laden's first moves in this direction were made in cooperation with NIF [Sudan's National Islamic Front], Iraq's intelligence service and Iraqi CBRN scientists and technicians. He made contact with Baghdad with its intelligence officers in Sudan and by a [Hassan] Turabi-brokered June-1994 visit by Iraq's then-intelligence chief Faruq al-Hijazi; according to Milan's Corriere della Sera, Saddam, in 1994, made Hijazi responsible for "nurturing Iraq's ties to [Islamic] fundamentalist warriors. Turabi had plans to formulate a "common strategy" with bin Laden and Iraq for subverting pro-U.S. Arab regimes, but the meeting was a get-acquainted session where Hijazi and bin Laden developed a good rapport that would "flourish" in the late 1990s." Through Our Enemies Eyes (p. 124)
I'm remembering the Clinton people that sat on the 9-11 Commission wagging their fingers, especially Gorelick.
Scheuer's characterization of Arthur Schlesinger Jr. as a political whore is absolutely correct.
Rapist42's ballsack... just got kicked up into his throat!
We've just received a copy of a scathing letter that Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Princeton's Sean Wilentz, Georgetown's Michael Kazin and a few other historians and professors have written to ABC chief Robert Iger. It demands that ABC yank the broadcast, labeling the network's explanations "disingenuous" and "dangerous": "A responsible broadcast network should have nothing to do with the falsification of history, except to expose it. We strongly urge you to halt the shows broadcast and prevent misinforming Americans about their history." The full text of the letter after the jump.
Here's the full text of the letter:
Dear Robert Iger:
We write as professional historians, who are deeply concerned by the continuing reports about ABCs scheduled broadcast of The Path to 9/11. These reports document that this drama contains numerous flagrant falsehoods about critical events in recent American history. The key participants and eyewitnesses to these events state that the script distorts and even fabricates evidence into order to mislead viewers about the responsibility of numerous American officials for allegedly ignoring the terrorist threat before 2000.
The claim by the shows producers, broadcaster, and defenders, that these falsehoods are permissible because the show is merely a dramatization, is disingenuous and dangerous given their assertions that the show is also based on authoritative historical evidence. Whatever ABCs motivations might be, broadcasting these falsehoods, connected to the most traumatic historical event of our times, would be a gross disservice to the public. A responsible broadcast network should have nothing to do with the falsification of history, except to expose it. We strongly urge you to halt the shows broadcast and prevent misinforming Americans about their history.
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Sean Wilentz, Princeton University
Michael Kazin, Georgetown University
Lizbeth Cohen, Harvard University,
Nicholas Salvatore, Cornell University;
Ted Widmer, Washington College;
Rick Perlstein, Independent Scholar;
David Blight, Yale University;
Eric Alterman, City University of New York. wilentz_and_other_historians_to_abcs_iger_yank_dangerous_film