This is really disgusting, even for a Moonbat Left Democrat. But at least McCaskill has finally shown her true colors.
Race baiting is a sure sign that election season is in full swing. In the past, the RATS have done the race baiting to selected audiences. With the Youtube, they can't get away with this anymore. The MO RATS are one of the slimest state parties out there. Remember, Jay Nixon ran radio ads acussing Kit Bond of being pro-black church burning in 1998. Also the late Mel Carnahan slimed Ashcroft as a Klansman for blocking black liberal judge, Ronnie White, from being confirmed as a federal appeals judge.
No, they died because they were too stupid to get out. This myth that Bush let them die on rooftops because they were black is just a bunch of phoniness conjured up by screeching moonbats on websites like DummieLand and Dkos.
Good news!
She just all but assured a Talent victory.
"But at least McCaskill has finally shown her true colors."
Personally I thought she did that when she declared Howard Dean was her hero.
I'm so sick of the radio ads now that I issue a "barf alert" everytime I hear one! I still don't think the people at work quite understand that one.