From everything I have read, Major Metzger was a superior officer and athlete. The kind of self-discipline it takes to become a three-time marathon CHAMPION does not indicate to me a silly woman lost on a shoe-shopping trip or off on a sexual lark with some male. Believe it or not, to some women with productive lives and a myriad of responsibilities, SEX is not the only thing on their minds. Nor is SEX something to make one throw away a stellar career, a marriage, and reputation. For some fat-ass former Presidents, yes - but not a woman and officer of Metzger's caliber. Grow up and quit thinking like teenage boys - or worse, a Slick Willie.
By all accounts, Metzger was savvy, smart, and totally committed to her career in the AF. She is an example of American military achievement, and was a public figure due to her marathon championships.
She deserves much better than the juvenile speculation from freepers, who ought to show a little more respect.
She deserves much better than the juvenile speculation from freepers, who ought to show a little more respect.
Exactly. What is wrong with people?
I rarely play the sexist card, but in this case I must.
I agree with you 100%.
If the Major's name was John who showed up in the shape she was in, we would not see so many doubting Thomas's.
She deserves a hell of a lot more respect than she is getting.