ABC is being Swiftboated. Remember the Swiftboat movie that was taken off the air or forced to change.
ABC is being Swiftboated. Remember the Swiftboat movie that was taken off the air or forced to change.
That's been on my mind since the path to 9/11 brouhaha began a few days ago. In 2004 Sinclair Broadcasting had twenty-seven stations/markets. Many were local area stations. Not many were the Big Three (4 if you include FOX).
This time it's ABC -- one of the majors.
For a few years the left talking points have been, hate Bush for his inept handling of the war in Iraq and war on terror. That's is and has been the democrat platform. Come November, a solid showing -- gaining seats -- is vital for them to have a reasonable chance in 2008. Obviously many people know or think this. For sure the left knows it.
Path to 9/11 will leave the viewer hating terrorists, not Bush. And secondarily, realize that Bush has been cleaning up after Clinton's inept handling of terrorist.
The Path to 9/11 snatches the rug out from under the democrat platform. Exposes them as a continuation of Clinton's inept policy for dealing (not dealing) with terrorists and terrorism.
The author, John in DC, of the article that began this thread wrote: "This letter is such a major shot across the bow of Disney, it's not even funny." Wrong! It's nothing more than wishful thinking on his part and the reason for his sensationalism.
The Path to 9/11 will sink the democrats at the ballot box in the November mid-term elections. If right now they're not already sunk, and just a listing Titanic The Path will be a half-dozen nails in their coffin. The house of cards the democrats built their platform on will collapse as sure as the twin towers did and bury any hopes of winning anything in 2008.
What if ABC doesn't air The Path? ABC will upload it to the Internet. It'll be all over the Net and on DVD. Their not looking to recoup their $40-million dollar investment by selling advertising/commercials.
Why is ABC doing this? Is it just for ratings at the start of the fall season? I don't think so. Had they been in it just for ratings ABC would have aired The Path in mid October during sweeps week. No. ABC simply woke up to the realization that virtually every American had right after 9/11; if we don't get the terrorists they'll get us/ABC/Disney. Undoubtedly the wisest $40-million dollar investment Disney has made in decades, or ever.