To: Sir Gawain
ABC: Tower of Jello.
This would not have happened had it been President Bush and the GOP complaining.
4 posted on
09/07/2006 11:23:30 AM PDT by
To: RexBeach
Correct. Did anyone in the Bush Admin ask Michael Moore to change the content of his completely false movie? Nope.
53 posted on
09/07/2006 11:45:28 AM PDT by
To: RexBeach
This would not have happened had it been President Bush and the GOP complaining.
I don't think that President Bush would have complained. He has proven himself to be above that.
(But I get your point and agree with you.)
123 posted on
09/07/2006 1:51:25 PM PDT by
(The liberal media are as sheep clearing the path along which they will be lead to the slaughter.)
To: RexBeach
I dunno. The Reagan mini-series starring Striesand's husband James Brolin was yanked off CBS to a showing on some cable channel because of complaints from conservatives. I'd like to see Parker and Stone do a re-enactment of the yanked Berger footage on South Park. Butters could play Sandy Berger.
186 posted on
09/07/2006 2:50:17 PM PDT by
Richard Kimball
(The most important thing is sincerity. Once you can fake that, everything else is easy.)
To: RexBeach
Well, ABC is a Mickey Mouse organization!
To: RexBeach
As Rush pointed out today, DubYa would not complain.
314 posted on
09/07/2006 6:57:08 PM PDT by
(So that the beautiful pressure does not diminish!)
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