I dunno - maybe you tell the truth, and have Tenet recommending the no go. And maybe you don't have Massoud sitting there watching, since he was a few hundred miles away at the time. And maybe you reveal that the CIA thought that the Afghan 'snatch team' was a bunch of boobs who probably couldn't pull it off. All of those things are well-documented, and the throaty support for showing them otherwise is baffling.
ABC could have just had Mansoor Ijaz play himself and recount his own phone calls to Sandy Berger which basically parallel the part of this movie which has now been sanitized. Its not like there isn't a lot of truth in it even if the specific scenario was concocted. I'd rather see the actual truth instead but television isn't too interesting when you are filming people in different countries just talking on the phone to each other - not exactly 'must see TV'.
Purely the CbIAs spin -- who are you to repeat falsehoods?