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To: newcthem
The director is quite ticked off. Here's his blog post:

Even Further Clarification It seems that people keep referring to this movie as a "documentary". A documentary is a journalistic format that gives facts and information through interviews and news footage.

This is a movie or more specifically a docudrama.

Meaning, it is a narrative movie based on facts and dramatized with actors.

The team of filmmakers, actors and executives responsible for this movie have a wide range of political perspectives. I would say that most of those perspectives (which is the vast majority in Hollywood) would be considered "liberal" or "left".

Some of the very people who are being villified by the left as having a 'right wing agenda' are the very people who are traditionally castigated by the right as being 'liberal dupes' in other projects they have presented.

To make a movie of this size and budget requires many people to sign off on it.

One person's "agenda" (if anyone should have one) is not enough to influence a movie to one's individual politics when a far broader creative and political consensus is an inherent part of the process.

And the consensus that emerged over and over during development, production and post production is that we tried, as best we can, based on 9/11 Commission Report and numerous other sources and advisors, to present an accurate and honest account of the events leading to 9/11.

The redundant statement about Clinton and the emphasis to protect his legacy instead of trying to learn from the failures of BOTH administrations smells of "agenda".

You may feel we "bash" Clinton and/or you may feel we "bash" Bush but the facts are that the eight years from the first WTC bombing to the day of 9/11 involved two administrations with plenty of culpability all around.

Something needs to explain how that happened.

Watch the movie! Then let's talk. If you haven't seen the movie with your very own eyes - don't castigate the movie out of ignorance.

-David Cunningham

180 posted on 09/07/2006 2:45:21 PM PDT by SleekMaid
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To: SleekMaid
You may feel we "bash" Clinton and/or you may feel we "bash" Bush but the facts are that the eight years from the first WTC bombing to the day of 9/11 involved two administrations with plenty of culpability all around.

And that is what the truth actually is here. Clinton gets more heat because he was in office for 8 years while Bush several months before 9/11 occurred.

Sounds like the director wanted to be fair about the subject. Feel sorry for him to have been shafted by ABC and the Dems. Maybe he will reconsider his politics? lol.

206 posted on 09/07/2006 3:05:15 PM PDT by MaestroLC ("Let him who wants peace prepare for war."--Vegetius, A.D. Forth Century)
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