I cannot argue the work ethic value of those in that generation. So you do have a point. However, I think most people grow up and most do develop that type of work ethic after being a slacker in their 20's.
"However, I think most people grow up and most do develop that type of work ethic after being a slacker in their 20's.
A slacker, eh? I joined the USAF when I was 20. I stayed in until I was 24, then went back and finished college, got a Masters, then started the first of my own businesses.
I don't remember being a slacker, frankly. Maybe I missed that period of my life, stoned on drugs, I guess, but I seem to have gotten a lot done in my 20's.
You just don't get it, do you? Yes, there were some idiots among the Boomers, just as there are in your age group. So it goes.