Posted on 09/07/2006 5:44:01 AM PDT by SJackson
The change at
Tomorrow night, September 8th, CAIR will be sponsoring an event featuring the former President of Iran, Mohammad Khatami. Khatami, during the recent fighting in Lebanon, described Hezbollah as a shining sun that illuminates and warms the hearts of all Muslims and supporters of freedom in the world. Indeed, no matter what CAIR says, the core is still well intact.
Part of CAIRs core is its co-founder and Executive Director, Nihad Awad. Awad started the group, along with two fellow representatives from the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), in June of 2004, just three months after Awad publicly proclaimed his support for Hamas.
Another part of CAIRs core is its National Spokesman, Ibrahim Dougie Hooper. In April of 1993, Hooper told the Minneapolis Star Tribune, I wouldnt want to create the impression that I wouldnt like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future. These quotations from CAIRs two main leaders represent an ideology that has driven the group to the front of the American Islamist community.
The fact that four of CAIRs former officials have been convicted in and/or deported from the United States, all found to have had ties with Hamas or al-Qaeda, is indicative of the core values that CAIRs flash presentation speaks of, and it is the reasoning behind the speaking invite of someone such as Mohammad Khatami.
Seyed Mohammed Khatami served as Irans fifth President, from August of 1997 through August of 2005. Once thought of as a reformer, Khatami has embraced extremism on a number of occasions, most notably with respect to his views on the terrorist organization Hezbollah. Less than a month before leaving office, in July of 2005, he stated on Al-Arabiya TV (Dubai), It is not in Lebanon's best interest to stop the resistance. We always support this idea. We believe that Hezbollah has an authentic Lebanese identity. We love Hezbollah Hezbullah will remain and will keep its weapons. And as reported in the New York Times, during the recent fighting that took place in Lebanon, Khatami likened Hezbollah to a shining sun that illuminates and warms the hearts of all Muslims and supporters of freedom in the world. Also according to the article, Khatami sent a hate-filled letter to Hezbollahs leader, Hassan Nasrallah, which stated, Zionists shocking atrocities in Palestine and Lebanon are a sign of their violent nature.
Khatamis visit to the U.S. has drawn the ire of many, including that of the Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney. Concerning Khatamis invitation to speak at Harvard University on the eve of 9/11 (following the CAIR speech), Romney stated, State taxpayers should not be providing special treatment to an individual who supports violent jihad and the destruction of Israel.
It is obvious that this is not of concern to CAIR, as the group is throwing out the red carpet for the so-called reformist. According to CAIRs website, in addition to the speech, there will be a private reception with President Khatami, including a photo opportunity.
The event is being held at the Marriott Crystal Gateway in Arlington, Virginia. This is the same venue that hosted CAIRs 11th Annual Banquet, in December of 2005. That affair featured Siraj Wahhaj, a former National Board member of CAIR, whose name appears on the U.S. Attorneys list of potential co-conspirators to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
By bringing Mohammad Khatami, an extremist that supports terrorists, to speak at its event, CAIR has shown that its new image is nothing but a farce, and its new logo is little more than window dressing to that farce. CAIR is no more of a reformer than its Iranian guest.
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Big Bump!
National Union for Democracy in Iran will be holding a news conference against Khatami's visit at Nat'l Press Club in D.C. this morning in 10 mins.
I doubt CSPAN will air it this morning, but hopefully they will later in the day.
High Volume. Articles on Israel can also be found by clicking on the Topic or Keyword Israel.
also Keywords 2006israelwar or WOT [War on Terror]
What's more, they will host macmoud and hugo when they come to America on Sept. 19 to address the un.
We couldn't get so lucky as to have a raging thunderstorm going on in NY on that day...macmoud's pilot gets disorentated and crashes into the un building....(before John Bolton and any American gets there, of course.)
Muslim communities belong in Muslim countries.
"Of course cair is hosting an mohammadian lunatic killer."
I can understand that...but why has he been invited to speak at a Roman Catholic cathedral in Washington, D.C.? That is much more disturbing.
Peace is not possible as long as islm exists.
They hate the West. Why are they here ?
Cause the livin's good baby. Just enjoy the best, while reducing it to your level of depravity. Don't assimilate. Don't make a contribution and aid the country. Use and abuse it like they're used to, like how they consider their cult a religion. Venomous parasites expending a lot of energy to fool you.
Same reason the diplomats do not want to shut the UN down.
The USA is a good place to live. Otherwise they are back in the dessert watching the americans drill oil.
...[ cut to German Delegate ]
Translator's Voice for German Delegate: Thank you, Secretary Powell, for a very compelling presentation. After hearing it, no member of this council can doubt the gravity of the situation in Iraq. Clearly, the most important thing right now is to do nothing. And the sooner, the better. Does the delegate from France wish to comment?
[ cut to French Delegate ]
Translator's Voice for French Delegate: I, too, commend Secretary Powell on his program here today. Very enjoyable. And those weapons of mass destruction - so unnecessary. But, to conclude our business here today, my government would like to propose the following: That we adjourn this special session of the security council, and all go to lunch at an extremely expensive restaurant, with the U.N. picking up the tab.
[ cut to German Delegate ]
Translator's Voice for German Delegate: The Chair recognizes the delegate from China.
[ cut to Chinese Delegate ]
Translator's Voice for Chinese Delegate: It is the position of my government, that the representatives of the fifteen-member nations of the U.N. Security council - and their friends - now go to lunch at Le Grenoui, with the United Nations paying the exorbitant cost. I yield to the delegate from Iceland.
[ cut to Iceland Delegate ]...
"It's time we recognized the nature of the conflict. It's total war and we are all involved. Nobody on our side is exempted because of age, gender, or handicap. The Islamofacists have stolen childhood from the world." [FReeper Retief]
Simple answer:
For The Money.
The new PRopaganda campaign has begun.
So he can wave his finger in the air, mutter some mumbo-jumbo and make it a Muslim Holy Site?
The change at CAIR starts with a brand new identity that reflects our core values of being. These are the words found in the new flash presentation on the website of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The presentation introduces a new look for CAIR...
It's all part of the ruse: Taqiyya and kitman: The role of Deception in Islamic terrorism
Regrettably, while the logo did receive a facelift, the organization is still the same CAIR the same radical Islamist group that it was when it began more than twelve years ago.
Precisely: CAIR: 'Moderate' friends of terror
It's more than disturbing; it's an outrage.
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