The right to life is considered the most fundamental inalienable right there is. Therefore, no one can determine when that right begins and no one can give that to you. You have it when you become a human at conception. When you get your full human genetic code. Unmistakable to be matched to any other species, youre human.
Because of the intrinsic dignity of each and every person, each individual has certain rights and obligations, which every other individual would have to respect. This is whats required in order to live as a human, as the Lord Himself wanted it to be lived. (CCC-1934) Created in the image of the one God and equally endowed with rational souls, all men have the same nature and the same origin. Redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ, all are called to participate in the same divine beatitude: all therefore enjoy an equal dignity.
Inalienable rights belong to us by our very nature and existence; we are human and have that intrinsic dignity of a human being; we automatically have these intrinsic rights. No human being gave us these rights; they came from God. So, we humans all owe each other certain inalienable rights which belong to us by our very nature and existence, by the fact that we are human and that we exist. By the fact that we have the intrinsic dignity of a human being and that we exist, we automatically have these rights because of that intrinsic dignity, period.
Vatican reasserts stem cell stance (Researchers using human embryos face excommunication )
Vatican leans on embryonic stem cell work
Vatican vows to expel stem cell scientists from Church
Vatican vows to expel stem cell scientists from Church
Vatican rejects 'ethical' stem cell breakthrough
Ex-Vatican ambassador slams Schwarzenegger's stem cell stance
Vatican: Stem-cell Research 'gravely immoral'
Catholic bishops take campaign against stem cell research to the pulpit
Pennsylvania bishops issue document on stem-cell research
In embryonic stem cell research, end does not justify the means By Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M.
European Bishops Criticize Minister Mussi On Stem Cells
St. Louis Archbishop Orders Priests to Preach on Embryo Research
Polish Bishops on Funding Human Embryo Research
Abortion, Embryo Research and Divorce Need to Be Fought by All Christians Says Archbishop
Catholic Bishops Criticize Bush Policy on Embryo Research.