He became friends with Crist while working with the attorney general on passage of the Marvin Davies Civil Rights Act, which gave the state more authority to investigate discrimination. But Kottkamp also co-sponsored a 2001 bill, later withdrawn, that would protect displays of the Confederate flag on public land.
Kottkamp has disagreed with Crist on high-profile issues such as phone-rate increases, which Crist backed, and in supporting the controversial move to reinsert a feeding tube into brain-dead Terri Schiavo. Crist stayed out of that battle.
Crist's running mate not just GOP follower
The overwhelming number of candidates, Republican and Democratic, favor research on stem cells gathered from adult and core-blood sources. But many, mostly Republicans, oppose ESC research because harvesting the cells requires killing a living human embryo, and in many cases result from cloning human embryos for the sole purpose of harvesting the stem cells from the embryos killed in the process.
All across the country, Democrats and their lackeys in the media distort the issue by portraying those opposed to embryonic stem cell research as being opposed to all stem cell research, refusing to draw the crucial distinction between the two types.
Michael Reagan: A Little Truth in Stem Cell Debate, Please
The big cc signs are coming down. Hold on.... cc's signs were 50 FEET BY 85 FEET (kinda mao to me).
People are voting for some kind of freak. makes his heart sing? what is he? a chorus boy???
During the second debate, Crist said "I don't just want your vote, I want your heart." WHAT, for transplant? lol
There's an NBC debate by Chris Matthews tomorrow night, Monday. I wonder what freakish, phony things cc will say then.