Hey, I'm all for that. But we can't as part of that allow ourselves the luxury of sitting on our votes. They may not be perfect, but they're a lot better than what we'll end up with if we pout our way into a Democratic majority in the fall.
Yes, I too will hold my nose and vote Republican. On balance, they don't deserve it. What trouble they are in politically they brought on themselves by failing MISERABLY to promote and execute an agenda of the right. Right as in the opposite of wrong, not the opposite of left. The antiquated left-right spectrum doesn't work because it implies two equal ways of thinking without a moral judgment involved.
Their is only right and wrong, not right and left. Right is low taxes, less government, fiscally-responsible budgeting and spending, controlled borders, freedom OF religion, school competition, less regulation, kick-ass foreign policy, right to life from conception, and zero tolerance of moral relativism for starters. Wrong is the opposite of these issues.
We are in desperate need of leadership that people will respond to - leadership that will get results.