I do know there is a big hole in the middle of it and that could have been prevented if our immigration laws were enforced and we had the cooperation of some big city mayors like Mr. Giuliani... Of course, that wasn't the first attempt either, was it?
Oh, this is starting to sound like the "blame America first" talking points.
YES, we need to stop illegals. BUT we should put the blame for 911 where it's due. Islamicfascists.
We already have the dangerous democrat party. Let's not become like them. Let's not hate the democrats more than we hate the terrorists. Let's not hate democrats more than we love America. We have seen the democrat party lose because of that.
My question is who is that republican candidate who will not only represent our domestic beliefs but also fight and win the war against Islamicfascists and take down Iran and North Korea? Who is he?
I'm no fan of Giuliani but I am definately going to look at all of him (or her depending on the day)but Im all ears. Who is that President so I can also stand behind him?
Personally, I think this present White House is much too pc in this war and I want a warrior as President. I want somebody who will take no prisoners, who will not cave and give terrorists POW status and someone who will not charge our brave soldiers for murder when they engage the enemy.
Who is that republican who can win the general election?