I don't think there are many birds in Texas where these windmills are going up but in any case I don't think bird beheadings are as big an issue in Texas as they are in California.
Probably not. Although around here the Starlings are starting to come together in huge flocks, thousands of them all flying together getting ready to head south. I always wondered what it would be like if they ever flew through one of those wind farms, I have a very sick imagination I guess.
Birds nest on them.
Yes, we have birds in Texas. Many, many birds in Texas. Buncha good ol' boys are out there shooting at a bunch of them as I type, this being opening weekend of dove season.
Not flying armadillos. Real feathered birds. And wind. Lots of wind for the birds to swoop and swirl and delight in.
We also have a lot of common sense in Texas, which speaks more to the contast with our west coast neighbor than does the question of avian population.