Unfortunately the general corruption of politics and business down there has made it very lucrative to be in power. In that case it's hard to buy someone like that off.
Looks like our Democrats have started a 'reverse invasion' of Mexico from the north... They've penetrated Mexican society and infused it with their values and customs.
Obrador has obviously taken a lesson from the American Democrat Party.
Isn't that George Soro's specialty?
Fifth, international support could help. Maybe Al Gore, who also lost an election by a narrow electoral margin, can be persuaded to urge Lopez Obrador to concede and respect Mexico's institutions.
Gore??? Hell, Gore's apt to bring the infection back with him!
Just following the example of the RATS to the north!
This is interesting. 50% of the Mexican population could conceivably just stop working and force a change in a valid, democratic result. George Soros, you are nuts but I got to hand it too you, this one is politically brilliant.
Sounds like a Democrat. Any kin to Senor Kerry?
My worry is that Obrador is doing the very tactics that could lead to civil war, just like what happened in the USA in 1860 to 1861.
Typical third world banana republic -- that would never happen here.
Oh wait . . . it did . . .twice . . . never mind.
Lopez Obrador, steeped in the victim mentality, plans to set up a "parallel government,"
Isn't that just duckie. Maybe it's best to let AMLO blow himself up.
The article suggested that Al Gore convince him to step aside. Yeah, that'll work. Al himself still thinks he's the President
Al Gore beat this guy by 6 years on how to deny losing an election.And recently John Kerry joined this group of sour grapes politicians.Nowadays if a candidate doesn't win by a landslide the loser automaticlly cry's vote fraud.It happens in Mexico and it happens right here in the USA !!!
If Mexico is destabilized, we're going to have thousands of Mexicans streaming across our borders on a daily basis. They'll deport their destabilization to us.
(cough algore cough)
Isn't what he is doing treason?
One reason such idiots scream and stamp their feet so is
. . . they assume their opposition is as evil as they are in schemes and practices. Kind of like Shrillery de Fosterizer de Machiavelli pointing her Bw*tchy finger at others on the other side.
Thank you, Al Gore. Ever since Gore's attempt to steal the 2000 election, it seems that every election since has been challenged. Do you recall how the Sunnis challenged the last election in Iraq?