Ever notice you never see photos of Hillary's legs? It as if Franklin Rosevelt's tribute has been transferred to the Hildabeast.
"Hillary's legs"
El Rushbo once pointed out that the MSM are warned:
"Photograph Mrs. Clinton below the waist, and there WILL be consequences!"
Since you asked, but don't eat for three hours.
Those fat thighs rubbing together can generate enough heat to start a bush fire. As jesse said, "stay out dat bush".
***Ever notice you never see photos of Hillary's legs? It as if Franklin Rosevelt's tribute has been transferred to the Hildabeast.***
Oh, you've nailed it.
Hitlery poses behind a chair, table, whatever, whenever she can to hide her humongous hips. She's afraid that when she pays people to cheer for her, they'll yell, "Hip, hip, Hiplery."