Teh global warmiong bill is stupid, Arnold tried to make it more business friendly by allowing trading of the emission credits, but it's still stupid.
The answer to that is NOT to help Angelides get elected instead of Arnold.
The answer is to work to get more Republicans elected, to stop the Dems from passing over a thousand bills a year, most of which are highly damaging to CA.
Arnold put those propositions on the ballot, which would have gone a long way towards that, by taking away the unions power and doing a redistricting. But where were the conservatives? They stayed home or even voted against those bills and now they are running around blaming Arnold.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather die a quick, clean death than a slow agonizing one.
Arnold is setting up a Villaraigosa 2010 run and subsequent victory.
Business friendly? This cap and trade program is exacly NOT friendly! It's racketeering at its finest.