Rasmussen trendlines:
3-07 Cantwell +13
4-04 Cantwell +8
5-08 Cantwell +5
6-13 Cantwell +4
7-17 Cantwell +11
8-15 Rasmussen +6
Strategic Vision trendlines:
3-26 Cantwell +10
4-23 Cantwell +8
5-21 Cantwell +5
6-25 Cantwell +4
7-23 Cantwell +4
8-27 Cantwell +5
SurveyUSA is usually pretty accurate, so either this poll is just an outlier or the DWI revelation is hurting McGavick seriously.
Sorry, that last Rasmussen poll should read "8-15 Cantwell +6"
I'm sure they picked some totally unbiased place like Capitol Hill or Fremont to poll these people.
This stinks worse than Zogby's mega barfers.
Survey USA is normally quite reliable, so this is not good news for that Senate race.
Well, I strongly doubt the polls, but if they turn out to be even close to reality, that State deserves every bit of socialist BS they have to live with.
Why the heck didn't McGavick reveal this DUI before getting into the race?
He's probably not helped himself with his lame commercials.
Survey USA is a CRAP polling firm.
A chimp throwing feces at a wall is more accurate.
Total BS.
Probably an outliar check out the Startegic Vision Poll which shows Cantwell with a 5% lead like all of the other polls were showing. This one just conudcted between 8-25 and 8-28.
Survey USA is NOT a good poll, and don't reply back that it is. Go back to the Live Threads the day before, the day of, and the day after election 2004. The polls that got it RIGHT are all in there. And Survey USA wasn't one of them. That wasn't an oversight.
Also, Washington may go Dem statewide often, but 39% is completely unbelieveable. I live here. Eastern WA is more conservative. Western WA is more Liberal. The state is fairly close to split. This result is as phony as Zogby's efforts.
Sorry, but I just don't buy that one. they sure as hell didn't poll that down here in SW Washington, where Maria Cantwell is about as popular as a case of the crabs...
I thought she was below %50.