My impression as well.
"Looks like ambulocetas, the ancestor of all dolphins and whales.
That was my thought, too. It's teeth, though, are that of an herbivore, I think. Look at the way the teeth and tooth sockets extend in a simple row, clear to the front of the mouth. No spots for canine teeth there, although this critter's teeth could be peg-like, as in the whales. I just can't see enough detail.
The structure of the tail is also very interesting, not at all like any land mammals I'm aware of.
I do hope this gets to a place that can study it properly. It's gotta smell REALLY bad.
How about the early whale basilosaurus, aka zeuglodon?
"Looks like ambulocetas, the ancestor of all dolphins and whales."
That's about as close as I can come to figuring it out. I thought, a fake using a horse head, but no nostril holes and the teeth don't seem right. Rib cage too big for alligator. Long prominent spine indicates a creature that swims. Holy cow, about all that is left is ambulocetas.
Link to ambulocetus image: