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To: RebelBanker
I know a number of people at a bereavement support group who would be horrified at that suggestion. They lost offspring to drug overdoses, generally cocaine or heroin. Interestingly, I do not believe that any of them were marijuana overdoses...

Does that mean that since prostitution is legal in Las Vegas, you'll be more inclined to have sex with a prostitute if you visit there? Is legality your moral code?

Of course you don't know anyone that OD'ed on MJ since it's physically impossible.

94 posted on 08/28/2006 8:48:52 AM PDT by Sir Gawain
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To: Sir Gawain

No, as a matter of fact; I don't have any friends.

Prostitution is illegal in Clark County (where Las Vegas is) and Washoe County (where Reno is) and it is legal in the more rural counties of Nevada.

100 posted on 08/28/2006 8:54:26 AM PDT by Utahrd
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To: Sir Gawain
Does that mean that since prostitution is legal in Las Vegas, you'll be more inclined to have sex with a prostitute if you visit there? Is legality your moral code?

Hey everyone, this is someone who "gets it."  In my very humble opinion mind you.



102 posted on 08/28/2006 8:56:32 AM PDT by HawaiianGecko (Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.)
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To: Sir Gawain
Does that mean that since prostitution is legal in Las Vegas, you'll be more inclined to have sex with a prostitute if you visit there? Is legality your moral code?

It's a good point. What worries me about legalization is not so much adult behavior but the effect it might have on the attitudes of young people. I can easily imagine an explosion of marijuana use among minors, along the lines of the explosion in oral sex we got after Bill Clinton and other media messages to the youth that that was "cool". Points of law and freedom aside for a moment, I hope we might all agree that this would be tragic if it happened.

121 posted on 08/28/2006 9:28:44 AM PDT by SupplySider
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