I am sick of our generation blaming every problem we have on anyone but ourselves.
Every generation pays for the one before it to retire.
Sorry I don't think everyone over 60 should kill themselves like you do.
I'd rather work with people over 60 than those under 40.
Our generation doesn't even know how to wear a stinking baseball hat!
Absolutely totally f'in wrong!
The only generations that paid for the retirement of the former--in the history of the entire f'in world--were:
1) The WWII Gen paid for the 'millenials'
2) The Baby Boomers paid for the WWII Gen.
3) We'll pay for the baby boomers.
The Boomers are the largest, richest, generation in American history and they are living longer than any other generation. We are one of the smallest.
Do you see the problem?
Now stop being a dick to Gen-X. Out of the 22 Lieutenants in my battalion in Korea in '91--5 just made Lieutenant Colonel 'below the zone'! All Gen-Xers....
Gen-X are the combat leaders in our present war and we are up to the task.