You are correct. However, I expect the schools to enforce common rules of civility which they don't.
I do, too, and they try. But its tough to enforce alien values.
Too many schools have hallways and campuses full of kids who have not known civility in the home or community and thus act boorishly at school. It's what they know.
It's a poor reflection on society when remedial values have to be taught in school because parents drop the ball. It's also mighty tough for a teacher to tell a kid he has to act better than his parents, especially when that teacher was hired to teach math or science or literature.
Then education is made more widely available. Soon it is evaluated and understood chiefly in terms of developing humans in terms of their economic potential rather than as free citizens. Then the liberals get a hold of it and the teacher unions wrest and courts wrest control away from the local community.
the result is a system which shires away from serious moral thought and seems increasingly unable to transmit the skills needed for wise or even usefully economically exploitable citizens.
Funny how things turn out ....