Remember those little booger things that used to represent for Quizno's Subs???
What the heck were they singing???
I remember those! Yack, Quiznos was wierd. The new one for the BBQ sandwich was ok though.
I also hate advertisements on TV and Rado that repeat the phone number three or more times.
If Im interested I will get it the first time or at most the second time. If I miss it I will wait for the next time it is presented.
Somewhere in commercial presentation school, someone has suggested that three times is the charm and now it is the general dictate for all advertisement. Head-on is prime example of this premise.
Something about Quiznos subs and "they have a pepper bar." I LOVED the Quiznos commercials with the guy raised by wolves, where they showed him suckling on the momma wolf. They didn't last for long.
My latest favorite is a lottery commercial (I think) where the guy bets the other guy a million dollars he can't make a jump on an old abandoned bike. For some reason, every time that bike falls apart, I laugh.
Oh, yeah! Those "mutant gerbils," or whatever the hell they were? The singing ones? I found them to be quite disturbing, and never did go to Quiznos because of them!