To: Salem; F15Eagle; ZULU; unionblue83; sergey1973; goldstategop; American in Israel; Pyro7480; ...
37 posted on
08/23/2006 5:22:11 AM PDT by
Convert from ECUSA
(Mid East Ceasefire = Israel ceases but her enemies fire)
To: Convert from ECUSA
Excellent piece.
"Have you heard People who define themselves primarily by what they hate, rather than who they love, are doomed to failure and misery?
That may be true, but a corollary would be you can't defeat an ideology unless you have one of your own. Thanks to political correctness, we are in the process of losing our identity as products of Western Civilization and our appreciation for its relative merits.
38 posted on
08/23/2006 7:00:44 AM PDT by
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