The MSM (main stream media); the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union-a pox on their houses); "civil rights" organizations like the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)and CAIR (Arab group); public institutions of learning; and Liberals in general, enforce political correctness. The MSM sort of binds them all together into one huge, despicable family.
Number 1 PC vendors are the Public Schools.
Our Lib teachers are brainwashing our kids to be compliant cry-babies that think fairness is Job One.
Different side of the same coin as the Wahibbi Madrassas Worldwide brainwashing their children to hate the West and revere suicide bombers.
In the Fifties, it was "Better Dead Than Red"
Now it'e "Better Dead Than Rude"
If our schools keep it up long enough, there will be no one left to fight for the West, muchless fight for America and American Exceptionslism.
Clearly Political Correctness is more than annoying, it's a National Security Risk!