And it was the Feds, who have the Constitutional responsibility to control the borders, who allowed the sell-out to non-citizens in exchange for cheap labor and pro-illegal corporate campaign contributions. They've also made it easy for illegals to enjoy the Federal socialist give-away programs, pop 'citizen' anchor babies, and bring in all their relatives via chain immigration. It was a Fed judge who shot down Prop 187, approved overwhemlingly by CA citizens, that would have limited welfare to illegals.
I'm a paleface who opposes socialist legislation and have fought both the CA and Fed welfare states every inch of the way. But with the ever-growing government-approved tide of illegals, there are ever so many more Democrat votes to buy. Pat's right on this and many other things.
Pat Buchanan is not afraid to state positions that are in the best interest of America and Americans. To call him names is a typical liberal tactic. I'd rather have Pat Buchanan for President than this clown we have now.