I don't know of any social conservatives who will vote for Mr. Giuliani. I certainly won't.
The majority of Republicans are socially conservative, however, not all of these folks should be mistaken for social conservatives. There are many Republicans who are pro-life, pro-family, pro-2nd Amendment, but for whom there are greater, more important issues. These folks are socially conservative, but not social conservatives.
For social conservatives, the issues where Mr. Giuliani is wrong are the most important issues. These folks don't comprise a majority of the Republican Party. However, they compromise a very large minority in the party, and a large minority in the overall electorate. Republican candidates can't be elected without these folks (and, in fact, it's nearly impossible to get nominated without them, as well). Republicans are elected in part because these folks vote so lopsidedly for Republcan candidates.
Mr. Giuliani is unable to win lopsided majorities of these folks. I'm not sure he can win even a simple majority of social conservatives.
Republicans won't win in 2008 if our candidate is little more than an echo of the Democrat candidate, except maybe a little more hawkish on the war.
I know about 5000 conservatives who were at his speech in Greeenville SC last week.
I would say 4800 came away ready to vote for him.
Maybe 4900.