Thank you for posting. Disturbing, isn't it?
Lesson #4 in Principles of Success is UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE. So we here in Mexico DO need to understand, and I think your issues are valid. Let me give a Mexican Perspective. Here in Mexico much of our politics have shifted to include more North American values. Many times I have talked with civic leaders in Mexico who had positive experiences in NYC the USA and wanted to be town mayor and have a more pluralistic approach to solving ideas in Mexico. Some Mexican workers who went to Ft. Worth came back to town to show the rest of the population the benefits of Drywall, sheetrock. Last week I went to the local Walmart in MEXICO and purchased a washing machine WHIRLPOOL was what my local MExican applicance repairman said I needed, MADE IN THE USA. Here in MExico we too complain that shoes are being made in CHINA, while 80% of the footwear people have on is Asiatic. More people here in these parts want to learn English, and to stop this FLOW of immigrants to the USA, we do need to get economies of the rest of the world set up based on ethics, integrity, character issues and end corruption.
Hiding in a church to avoid deportation......PRICELESS