Yeah . . I turned 60 on July 29th, so I reckon I did have a few days on this earth and him not having made his grand entrance yet. Then, he was born. Well, I pray for him because we're supposed to pray for our enemies.
I also prayed before he was ever elected the first time (having understood his ability to stretch the truth from the start) - I prayed at that time that he would not get away without the people at least knowing the truth of even ONE SINGLE LIE during the time he was President of this country. I think most of us who prayed that prayer consider it answered. - You see, it looks to me like he intended to CUCKOLD us hicks out here in fly over country, and then sashay into history with as much REAL prestige and REAL respect as the REAL heroes of history have garnered from us hicks. As it is, he gets FAUX prestige and FAUX respect from the so-called "liberal elitists" - and it is my guess that he wishes we thought differently - but we don't. - Too much honorable blood has been shed by brave citizens of this country over the decades for justice to have allowed Clinton to cuckold us. I am not amused.
I turned 60 on July 27th. The only thing I HATE about it is the fact I probably won't be here to dance at my grandchildren's weddings. Unlike my husband and I, our kids didn't have kids in their early 20's. My Mom, 88 today, danced at her 3 granchildren's weddings.