Sorry, the UN is irrelevant. Your country has brutally attacked Israel more than once. Israel defended itself and won some land that it needed to create a strategic zone so as to decrease the chances of being invaded again. To the victors go the spoils as they say. (Especially when they were on the defensive to start.)
As for peace, you may believe that's what will happen, but that's not at all what your current government is saying. Your government, as well as the government of Iran, would like nothing more than to see Israel wiped off the map.
There will be no peace until people stop attacking Israel. Peace is NOT found by supporting groups like Hezbollah.
Well, if the UN is irrelevant, then what's relevant in this case?
You said that there would be no peace until people stop attacking Israel; I would say that there would be no peace until people stop attacking each other!
Isn't that more of an impartial statement, and less inflammatory?