Posted on 08/14/2006 4:49:56 AM PDT by unionblue83
This morning, Israeli forces will have ceased fire in Lebanon, forced by their government to accept a strategic defeat in the month-long war against Hizballah. Almost any military can recover from tactical losses, but nations are usually powerless to avoid defeat after losing a strategic battle. For World War II Japan, defeat was still three years away when the last of four aircraft carriers was sunk by Adm. Ray Spruance's dive bombers and torpedo planes in the battle of Midway. For Israel, defeat may come much sooner if it doesn't mend its prime minister's ways. Yamamoto had to explain his defeat to Emperor Hirohito, who left him in command. Olmert has to explain his to the Israeli electorate. They must be less forgiving because their time is measured not in years but in weeks or months.
Since July 12, when Hizballah raided into northern Israel and kidnapped two soldiers, Hassan Nasrallah's terrorist brigades have fired hundreds of rockets each day into Israel, killing civilians and driving about one million Israelis into bomb shelters. In answer to that, the Olmert government sent Israeli aircraft and commandos into Lebanon to strike at Hizballah's well-dug-in command centers, arms caches, and armed units. Though it has suffered enormous damage, Hizballah continues its rocket attacks. Yesterday, more than 200 rockets struck, some as far south as Haifa.
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Why does a terrorist suddenly become a citizen when he is killed? If you support and consort with terrorist you are a terrorist. (Kind of like walking like a duck)
Israel had a chance to kill two birds with one stone. Clean out the infection in Lebannon and end its transmission from Syria. The decision not to neutralize Syria was a bad one IMO. Israel cannot afford to look weak.
Olmert and his cohorts are about as useful as an air conditioner at the North Pole.
Civilian shields arent there because they want to be!
If there was a UN mandated cease fire after Dunkirk, the British would have lost.
If there was a UN mandated cease fire after Pearl Harbor and the fall of the Philippines, the US would have lost.
Israel started slowly and badly, but the loss came when Rice raised her hand at the UN.
Iran created Hezbollah, but it's line-of-communications stetches through Syria. Iran probably cannot be attacked decisively (by Israel) without resorting to nukes. Syria is another matter. Syria is the lynch-pin.
What the IDF should have done was continue the operation into Lebanon & force the Syrians to intervene, then thrust down from the Golan on Damascus, cutting off the Syrian forces attempting to intervene. With Syria defeated, Hezbollah dies on the vine.
So who's the one to step up? Livni? Moshe Ya'alon?
Agree with both of you in the good points you made in your posts re Israel and Syria. Olmert's handling of this affair is a major disappointment and a big setback for us and Israel in the WOIF (War on Islamic Fascism).
Hard words, but true.
Nice touch. We need clarity at a time like this. Terrorism describes the symptom, not the source.
Thanks. I've decided to use only that terminology--WOIF (War on Islamic Fascism) in FR posts. Join me. Maybe we can change the terminology. There's enough folks on FR that it could just catch on.
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