This must be Roger Ailes upset over a slight slip in the ratings. If he thinks it's going to help by catering to liberal pukes he's dead wrong. I'd sooner turn it all off and simply read Newsmax then watch Fox tilt further to the left.
Here is a listing of recent polls at polling report (this website doesn't do the polling, they merely collect poll results by ABC, WSJ, CNN, FOX, etc...) According to CNN, the GOP is at least at 40%. The Clinton News Network is at 40% and Fox is at 30%? The GOP lost ten points in a manner of weeks? After the far left pulls off a coup de tat in the Democratic ranks and the Middle East lights up in flames in Lebanon and the president's approval rating rebounds?
Well, look who owns Fox. Sure it has some journalists that may be conservative, but Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch who several months ago hosted a fundraiser for the hildebeast.
might be falling in line w/ strategy of making country worried of ramifications of house and senate run by anti-war, anti-life, pro-abortion, bush-hating, pro high-tax, anti tax-cut, anti school choice, pro government indoctrication, anti freedom, coocs from the left
GOP base will be motivated if there is a chance that Pelosi/Reid coocs in control ....
FOX merely reports. We decide.
So the fact Fox reports a poll means they've sold out to the enemy. What an idiot. Do you enjoy that role or does someone pay you to play it? By the way, Fox is Fox News, not GOP News or the Voice of Conservatism or whatever. Why not have a few liberal analysts? Do you want Fox to be the same piece of biased media that CNN or CBS has been for years? I've seen Newt several times over the past month. Apparently you dont want too often. Maybe you were watching network TV looking for something to be offended by there too.