This is a three-way race. Frankly, I think it is Lieberman's to lose.
If the Republicans in Connecticut were smart (yeah I know... IF), they would drop the loser they have and cross endorse Lieberman. It's time to put down these Moonbats like a rabid dog.
Nah, there's always ways to go back..."spend more time with my family", "spare them the strain of a nasty campaign", blah, blah, blah. I would expect that the urging will get quite extreme and maybe even resort to nasty threats. The coallition of, Answer, Code Pink and other Moonbat organizations play hardball and are basically not very nice people. Joe may want to take a vacation and hope for a "reunification" cabinet position if the Dems hope to win in '08.
I think you are very wrong. Let the Dems elect the moonbats and expose themselves for the fellow travellers of the terrorists they are.
Lieberman voted 90% with the left wing of the Dem party. The only reason he's "better" is because he's for a strong foreign policy. I don;t consider that a gain to the country. Maybe we get our troops overseas but we also get the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, rabid environmentalism and more. Which will hurt this country more in the long run ?
I agree entirely. I think Lamont is going to have a very hard time getting many more votes than he got in the primary - his hard-left supporters were motivated to show up.
Now Lieberman stands between him and the moderates he needs to win. The pubbie has no chance of winning. Which means Lieberman will get moderate support by the bucketload, while Lamont's over-the-top supporters will alientate the moderates he needs to win.