How is 18 months an "immediate" withdrawal?
And I quote:
"He called for a complete withdrawal WITHIN a year to 18 months."
Okay so almost immediate.
The point being we don't know whether Iraqi's will be ready for us to exit within 18 months.
Will conditions be better or worse than they are now. Right now it looks like it will be better, but nobody knows for sure.
Here's an idea. Let's wait until the nation is stabilized, stay an additional 18 months and then exit.
Try reading sometime. It's intellectually stimulating.
"John Edwards said today that the United States should begin pulling troops out of Iraq immediately."
When the Cut and Run Democrat Congress cut spending for Vietnam it was a sign to our enemies it was time for them to go on the all out offensive.
"Those that forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to......."