The "logic 101" course offers nothing more than a simple example of transitivity. The problem with this logic unfolds because most Americans polled (usually restricted to current and recent employees of The New York Times because the unfolding severe economic crisis there renders broader polling utterly unaffordable) deeply desire to pay personally more taxes. Even those enormous hordes of former Times employees now destitute and starving in the streets throughout America still strongly embrace liberalism and blame their sorry state on President Bush. According to C-BS, these surveys accurately represent a cross-section of American public opinion (outside Oklahoma, a bubble of prosperity in a sea of depression).
On a more serious note, the "liberal cost of living increase" extends far beyond increased individual taxation to a socialistic regulatory burden that prevents companies that produce goods and services from adapting easily to changing times, increasing efficiency, and lowering their costs of doing business. Government-inflicted regulations and corporate and other business taxes (and "fees," a euphemism applied to certain random "taxes") cost companies more money to produce each unit of consumable goods and services. Companies then must either pass the economic burden to consumers in the form of higher prices; force their employees to bear the cost in the form of depressed wages and declining benefits; lose profitability and cause investors (often widows, orphans, and other ordinary people, not the tax-avoiding super-rich Massachusetts senator caste) to lose money; or capitulate to relatively unregulated Chinese slave-labor competitors.
Our economy simply cannot withstand significantly increased regulatory burdens that liberals would inflict upon it. If you really want to see the Great Depression unfold again before your eyes, elect liberals. The annals of history show that Herbert Hoover vastly increased government spending (with or without increasing taxes), turning a sharp market panic into a decade-long depression. A prosperous economy would result from a lessened regulatory burden on companies that produce actual goods and services for domestic or foreign consumption, lower taxes, and fewer trial lawyer parasites. Liberal socialist economics results in only inefficiency, stagflation, idiocy, malaise, melancholy, and misery--the yearning desires of any honest Democrat.
Excellent summary of the realities when liberals are in control of our governments.
The same things happen at state levels when the governors and legislatures are liberal. Oregon is a prime example of how bad things can get.