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To: nw_arizona_granny; backhoe; All

World War III---Twenty One Days in August

Day One: 4:05 PM PST
This time it’s real. I’m sure of it. And although today’s news coming out of Germany might not be seen as the spark that ignites WWIII, most wars start when people are not ready for it. There’s been other ‘conflicts’ that could have sparked a world war like the war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon a few years back. A cease fire was called when Europe and the US eventually agreed to send in NATO forces as armed peacekeepers in a 20 mile no-mans land in southern Lebanon. But all that just shaped the battlefield, so to speak. Lebanon’s conflict between Israel and Hezbollah made Hezbollah stronger and more popular than ever and resulted with Hezbollah gaining majority power in the election. This and the newly formed Islamic governments in Iraq and Afghanistan helped Iran reach its dream of a Shiite Islamic empire stretching from Pakistan to the Mediterranean. The fall of Syria into the hands of the Shiites and the installation of the new Caliphate completed their goal.

Besides, the war between Israel and Lebanon would not be enough to bring Europe into the conflict which would be necessary for a world war – even though it was reported that NATO forces did have several ‘incidents’ with Hezbollah. Yes, one pundit said that a word war would not begin until France surrendered but I believe that Europe’s entry into a world war would come when, and only when, the oil supply to them is cut off.

But that was then, this is now. This latest crises feels different so I’ve decided to start this blog as a diary of events as they happen.

It’s funny that the last two World Wars came out of Germany. And now, it’s happening again. A rape and murder of two German teenagers by, what the European press called ‘North Africans’, brought retaliation by a gang of German youths who firebombed the Multi-Kultur-Haus association center in the southern town of Neu-Ulm in Bavaria and abducted and hung three Muslim males found there. The Multi-Kultur-Haus association was long known for promoting extremist ideas and armed "holy war” so the connection was pretty much understood. The press wrote it off as just another hate crime that has plagued European cities over the last year or so. The rape epidemics by Muslim immigrants that started in Sweden and spread throughout Europe, though not attended by murder, have been reported before.

But what the press did not report was a parchment nailed to the Multi-Kultur-Haus association center’s front door. The attack was claimed by Nationale Liste, a once banned now reconstituted neo-Nazi group, whose agenda was to rid Germany of the Muslim immigrant scourge. "Deutschland für Deutscher - Ausländer Raus!" - Germany for Germans - Foreigners out – was written in bold letters on the parchment and threatened to attack more immigrant hostels throughout the country as they did in the previous few months.

Though not revealed publicly, but posted on the Danish blog On the Wing, German and EU officials feared that this retaliation and the future threats against immigrants were not like those of the past. Here was a group that freely admitted this attack and those over the last few months. On the Wing reported that this was not a knee-jerk reaction of some isolated crazed individuals as the main stream press was reporting. They were organized.

Day Two: 8.40 AM PST
Just what I feared. The Nationale Liste is just one group of a larger anti-immigrant organization in Europe. This was reported in the Blog Islam in Europe. Most of these groups regularly work together, and their leaders frequently hold cross-memberships in several organizations at once. Some of the groups have clear ties to openly racist organizations, and even some espouse thinly disguised bigotry. There was some chatter in the bloggosphere about a combined organization called Euro Liste. They were proved right.

Euro Liste hacked into the home pages of the BBC, LeMonde, De Telegraaf , Jyllands-Posten, Der Spiege, Göteborgs-Posten, andBrussels Journal and posted their manifesto demanding the removal of all Muslim immigrants from the EU and the cessation of dhimmitude in Europe. They accused the EU leadership and European countries of unfettered immigration and ‘funding our own colonization’. “Do something about it – or we will” was there final demand. To punctuate their demands and in a coordinated effort, hostels in Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden and Holland were attacked last night. All of the attacks were claimed to be the actions of the Euro Liste.

The Euro Liste was now very public. But the EU leadership tried to calm the Muslim population with platitudes and promises to protect them from the “anti-democratic racist reactionaries” who seek to destroy the peaceful coexistence of multiculturalist Europe. It was the usual PC position of addressing the results and not the causes of the tensions.

Day Three: 3.40 PM PST
It was the hack that did it. Massive demonstrations in Europe by every conceivable Muslim organization gridlocked the cities of Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, London, Amsterdam, and Madrid. The protestors carried signs calling Europe racist. The extremist fringe was out too, carrying signs and shouting that Europe will fall and soon become an Islamic state. To make matters worse, anti-protestors egged on, then attacked, the Muslim demonstrators. Riots ensued in cities outside of the capitals of the affected European cities and as of this post, the rioting has not been contained. Pundits from the different European media claim the riots are 100 times worse than the French Riots of 2006. Others claimed that the riots in the different cities were not centrally organized but “sympathy riots’.

Not so for the anti-protesters. On the Wing claims the anti-protesters are members of the Euro Liste who are intentionally creating these confrontations to support their position that Muslim immigrates are an inherent danger to Europe and must be thrown out.

Day Four: 10.40 AM PST
Rioting continues in Europe. And it’s getting nasty. The fearful public is demanding harsh government action. Some governments act but others are paralyzed and are incapable of taking action causing citizens to defend themselves. The BBC reports that mosques are being burned in some cities in Europe. Many men with a turban and a beard or a woman in a veil have been attacked in broad daylight. The Infidel Bloggers Alliance is doing a good job of compiling reports from around Europe on the rioting. It seems the main stream media is playing down the worst aspects of the riots and still will not call the rioters Muslims even as they shout “Alah Akabar” as they run through, what has come to look like, war torn streets.

Norwegian blogger, Fjordman, was interviewed by FrontPage Magazine and said that this was the opening salvos of civil war in Europe. And it was going to get worse. In the interview he said, “I predicted a several years ago that immigration will trigger wars in Europe. This continent has simply lost control over its own borders, and the native population is being replaced at an astonishing rate in many of its major cities. Europe has a rather violent history, and migrations of this magnitude have usually triggered wars between the original population and the newcomers:”

It appears that Fjordman is being proved right. If these riots are not contained and stopped, will Europe enter a civil war between Muslim and non-Muslim populations? It doesn’t look good from the US.

Day Five: 11.15 PM PST
It escalates. The local police can not control the riots. This evening the news from Europe was bleak. Pictures of flames illuminated an eerie glow framing the Eifel Tower. The beautiful Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen looks like a battlefield. Muslims supporters have occupied the Gardens and the Muslim neighborhoods in many European countries have been ‘no-go’ zones for the local police. The military has been committed to the streets of Europe. News pundits bemoan the fact that Europe is on the brink of civil war between two fascisms - Euro-Fascism vs. Islamo-Fascism.

Day Six: 9:05 PM PST
This was not unexpected. No surprise here. Daily Briefing on Iran quoted the Iranian President that Iran condemns the persecution of “our Muslim brothers and sisters”. But even more ominously, the Daily Briefing reported that they would support them in the struggle – no idea yet on what that means. Daily Briefing was told by unknown sources that the statement was warning to be taken seriously.

Then this a little while ago. MosqueWatch reports that mosques throughout Europe were raided by the military and many were found to have weapons and ammunition stored there. EU authorities admit that the open borders of the EU countries made it too easy for Jihadists to move weapons into mosques all around Europe. These reports added fuel to the fire and more mosques were raided and desecrated by elements of the Euro Liste. Up to now, Britain has been spared most of the civil war in Europe because of the Channel. They were able to quickly close entry to the island and contain the terrorist cells and restore some semblance of order by arresting the worst of those causing the civil strife. A very disturbing rumor from the Infidel Bloggers Alliance said that the British government has set up internment camps in northern Scotland.

Day Seven: 12:35 AM PST
A very disturbing report from Jihad Watch today. There are reports that Iran using Hezbollah cells in Europe are smuggling in sophisticated weapons through Bosnia. A little known piece of news reported by Jihad Watch claims that Russia had found chemical weapons in raids on Chechnya strongholds. Russia declined comment. Turkey withdraws from the EU and more rumors fly that it is supplying weapons to the Muslim separatists in several European cities.

Day Eight: 6:10 PM PST
This is not good! Egypt’s Grand Mufti visiting EU offices in Berlin to help quell the riots was shot dead outside the Berlin Hilton. The killer yelled "Deutschland für Deutscher - Ausländer Raus!" as he was subdued by police. Muslims and non-Muslims alike are stunned. EU authorities and PMs of several European countries condemned the assassination “in the strongest terms”. Muslim organizations throughout the EU demand that the Euro Liste members be hunted down and executed. The Muslim street in the Middle East is aflame with hate calling for the destruction of “European pigs and apes.”

Day Nine: 6:10 PM PST
The words of the EU authorities have done little good. The violence is out of hand. Today a wave of terrorist attacks has spread across Europe. The media across Europe are asked by governments – sounded like pleaded to me - to report these incidents without raising undue alarm.

Yeah, right.

The Counter-Terrorism blog reports that car bombings outside restaurants and other public places and suicide attacks on the centers of Europe’s transportation networks have forced people to lock themselves in their homes, afraid to venture out. Once popular and packed European landmarks and entertainment areas are ghost towns. More NATO troops are called unto the streets. Several major cities in Europe become large Sarajevos. Many cities are under Martial Law.

The European intelligence agencies are looking desperately for some kind of central control who may be directing the Muslim riots. But the jihadists are not centralized. They cannot always control the actions of their diverse cells or lone fanatics. Sooner or later someone will go too far.

Day Ten: 7:30 AM PST
The unthinkable has happened. At the height of the work day rush to office, several chemical bombs go off killing thousands in Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Moscow and Madrid. Hugh explosions damage or destroy symbolically important targets, the cathedral at Charters, the Louvre, the Kremlin, and the Channel Tunnel. Europe in under siege. Martial Law is declared throughout Europe. To make matters worse, right wing demagogues prowl the streets demanding that any and all Muslims be rounded up and interned to prevent further terrorist attacks. Political opportunists in the now impotent EU, play to these right wing fascist elements to gain political power in their countries. The EU as a functioning entity is dead. The UN continues to debate the term ‘terrorism’ and what to do about the crisis in Europe. DAFKA reported that all NATO forces are recalled from their peace keeping duties In the Mid-East. This does not bode well for Israel.

Day Eleven: 7:30 AM PST
It didn’t take long. The day after NATO troops were withdrawn from the mid-East, Hezbollah launched long range rockets from Lebanon deep into Israel. Debka reports that Iranian rocket crews are manning the Zelzal-2 missiles on their mobile launchers and were deployed along the Syrian side of the Syrian-Lebanese border. When the order was given the rocket crews crossed the Lebanese/Syrian border and launched on cities just north of Tel Aviv. Israel warned that it will strike at the missile launches inside Syria to halt the attacks. Debka writes that this plays into Syria and Iran’s hands. If Israel attacks Syria, Iran said they will “Wipe the Zionist pigs from the face of the earth”. The President of the US pledges that if Israel is attacked by Iran, “We will support our ally” and warns Iran in the strongest terms not to enter the war with Israel.

Day Twelve: 9:10 AM PST
Iran raises the ante today. Iran Watch reported the Iranian government’s response to the US warning. "The White House's 80 years of exclusive rule are likely to become 80 seconds of hell that will burn to ashes. Those who resist Iran will be struck from directions they never expected. Iran will cause the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization. There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and in the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them."

Debka reports this quote from an Iranian Revolutionary Guard officer, “Iran's missiles are now ready to strike at Western targets, and as soon as the instructions arrive, we will launch our missiles at their cities and installations." The warning was written off by the President saying there are no reports of Iran having ballistic missiles that can reach the US. The public is not assured.

It could all be bluster but I told my wife to go down to Costco and stock up on canned goods and other household supplies, including bottled water. I told her it was just a precaution but I knew things were about to get dicey.

Just heard that Homeland Security raised the terrorist threat level to ‘Extreme’. The cable news channels all report that HomeSec has intelligence of an imminent terrorist attack. They ask citizens to be aware of suspicious activity by individuals and report it immediately to their local police or FBI. The Counter Terrorism blog reports of Hezbollah cells ordered to activate by Iran. I call my wife and tell her to double the amount of toilet paper.

Day Thirteen: 6:10 PM PST
It happened. What Israel experiences every other day has arrived in America. Five suicide bombers entered the Mall of America and 4 other popular large malls in Chicago, New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles and San Antonio and detonated themselves. Hundreds of back to school shoppers are killed or maimed. The TV channels show what they can but the scenes at the malls are a gruesome bloody mess. YouTube posts some nasty scenes and they are passed around the Net infuriating the public. Then, within the next hour, the New York subway, DART in Denver, BART in the Bay Area, and MART in Atlanta are also hit. This time with backpack bombs timed to go off simultaneously. The TV and radio stations run continuous news on the tragic events even canceling all prime time shows on the network channels. Some clueless viewers complain to their local stations for preempting ‘American Idol’. You wonder where some people’s heads are at.

Day Fourteen: 7:10 AM PST
Woke up to video news footage of several burned out mosques in the European cities that were attacked. The cable news channels are running ‘Man in the Street’ interviews with Muslims – when they can find them. Jihadist web sites chant that this is only the beginning of Jihad in America. CAIR puts out a general release charging the government with collusion in the persecution of Muslim-Americans and demands action. The President responds saying the charges are absurd and have no basis accusing CAIR and other Muslim organizations for inciting hatred. The President says the government will protect Muslims in this country.

Day Fifteen: 12:00 PM PST
I’m afraid the Presidents words now ring hollow. A small EMP device has detonated outside of the Pentagon. Where the hell did that come from? How did terrorists get their hands on that? Reports are sketchy but the EMP device was large enough to knock out most communication at the Pentagon with military commands overseas not to mention several hundred people whose brains were fried when the weapon went off. HotAir reports that the EMP weapon was smuggled in through an unnamed New Jersey seaport.

This just in. More suicide bombers have detonated their bombs in local restaurants during lunch time in several medium size cities including Des Moines, Kansas City, Billings, Trenton, and Portland. And this chilling report from MSNBC. In a raid on a terrorist safe house in the Washington DC area, the FBI located a dirty bomb ready to be used.

Day Sixteen: 12:00 PM PST
The news is bleak. Many demonstrations throughout cities in the US demand that the government do something about the Muslim threat. The Administration is under siege and there are calls by Congress to quarantine the threat. Some of the public are not waiting. In the southwest from Arizona to Texas, vigilante groups roam the frightened cities of their cities doing ‘citizens arrests’ of any young Muslim male. They are taken to secure places like auto impound lots and herded into make shift compounds. The local police side with the vigilantes and refuse to force them to release the Muslim youths. Michelle Malkin’s blog reports that the governor of those states call out the National Guard but the local residents surround the make shift internment camps and riots breakout between them and the guardsmen. There are casualties on both sides.

The President calls out the US ARMY but instead of freeing the Muslim youths, he orders the Army to take them to specially set up internment camps that are being constructed for the detaining of all Muslim youths between the ages of 14 and 35 and their families for their ‘protection’. The ACLU, NAAACP, CAIR and other civil liberties organization demand action from Congress and the Supreme Court to cease the internment of Muslim-Americans. We are headed towards a constitutional crisis.

Day Seventeen: 8:50 PM PST
I can’t believe my eyes. But there it is in a grainy color cell phone picture. It’s an image of a mushroom cloud over Tehran. All the TV news stations are running the picture with their talking heads analyzing the event. What we can gather is this much. Tehran did not expect this. But what else would Israel think after all the threats of extinction from Iran?

Iran probably thought that with Europe and the US mired in civil war and terrorists attacks, it was time to act on Israel. It seems Tehran launched a long range ballistic missile at Tel Aviv. Israel figured it was a nuke and let off one to Tehran. As it turned out, and Israel confirms this, it was a conventional missile meant to be a warning of things to come and exploded near Tel Aviv. But how would Israel know? Iran has the bomb and has continuously threatened to wipe Israel off the map. What a tragic blunder by Iran. Iran promises a swift retaliation. I fear the balloon has gone up in the Middle-East.

Day Eighteen: 7:15 AM PST
That’s it. It happened. Nuclear war in the Mid-East. Iran counter-attacked last night with nukes and many of Israel’s cities are in ruins. On the other hand, many of Iran's major cities have been decimated by overwhelming Israeli nukes which outnumbered those of Iran by 20 to one – many with MIRVs (Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles). Israel also used neutron bombs (not very well known, even by NATO) on Iran's oil infrastructure killing the human occupants with short-term deadly gamma radiation but leaving the physcial infrastucture intact. But the fallout from Iran's nukes on Israel has poisoned the Palestinian West Bank and Jordon. The radioactive fallout is working its way towards Syria and Iraq. Iraqis and Western contract workers are fleeing the country and oil production is at a standstill.

But that’s not all. The Straits of Hormuz are closed by the Iranians. They have sunk three fully loaded tankers in the Straits with cruise missles and then, taking a leaf out of Saddam's book, lit fire to the oil slick. All tanker traffic is at a standstill. Pipelines carrying Iranian oil out of the country have been severed by what’s left of the Israeli air force. Europe will be freezing in the dark in a few months.

Day Nineteen: 9:40 PM PST
Christ! Can things get any worse? Islamist terrorists have overthrown the oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. There are reports that the kingdoms of Yemen, Oman, UAE and Qatar are also under siege. Here in the US, the internment of Muslim-American has been made official. The Administration declares general internment citing the precedence of Japanese-Americans in WWII. The Attorney General suspends ‘habeas corpus’. Muslim organizations are shut down indiscriminately until the Attorney General can ascertain whether they pose a threat to national security. The offices of CAIR in both the US and Canada are shut down.

Day Twenty: 10:15 AM PST
The BBC reports that NATO troops are being sent to the Arabian Peninsula to secure the oil fields. China states emphatically that they will not accept US and European forces occupying the Arabian Peninsula. The US tells China that they are willing to give China access to oil after the region is ‘stabilized’. India sides with China and demands that it’s allowed to send a military mission to the Arabian Peninsula. Pakistan threatens war if India follows through.

Day Twenty One: 8:05 PM PST
I feel this is the end. I left my home and fled to our cabin up in the north woods. The New York Times reported that North Korea, prompted by China, has fired nuclear missiles at Japan and China has invaded Taiwan. The President ordered a full retaliatory attack on North Korea decimating its military capability. Tonight, as we pack up the last of our belongings, we hear reports from the bloggosphere that China has ordered its citizens into fallout shelters.

May God help us.

This is from the outstanding blog: The Gathering Storm

460 posted on 08/11/2006 8:14:21 AM PDT by Founding Father (Bush/Rice: Let's negotiate with terrorists!!! Let's all be happy!!!)
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To: Founding Father

Yes, that is about what will happen, if all the fighting is not stopped.

But there will not be a stop in the fighting.

492 posted on 08/11/2006 12:18:26 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny (The American Flag, should be all the uniform an American needs to join the battle to save America...)
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